If you are an IT professional or developer and wants to skill-up on the latest technologies like Azure and Microsoft 365 (M365) then this article Free Microsoft Certification is beneficial for you.
If you are like me, who always keep searching on the Internet for the latest update of Microsoft technologies then you may know that Microsoft keeps providing free training and free voucher, especially in COVID bad time.
Table of Contents
Event Details
So in this article, I’m going to explain how you may apply for Azure free certification (AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals certification exam) and also how you may attend free Microsoft 365 virtual training from sitting at home.
Please click on this link to access Microsoft virtual events list.

Azure Free Training
On the above page, you’ll find the available training events of Microsoft Azure fundamentals. Mostly these are two days training so easily you can attend without spending more time in a day.
Microsoft has scheduled the same training for multiple dates, so if you miss any training without worry can cover in the next event date.
Free Microsoft Certification
Reason to get certified
If you’re thinking, why should I go for Azure Fundamental certification (AZ-900)?
- I would like to tell you it’s a basic level of certification for everyone whose work related to Azure. Either you’re developer, administrator, billing department, etc.
- Azure Fundamental certification will never get expired like other MCSA or MCSE certification.
- This training and certification will give you an overview of Azure services.
- you’ll feel confident and motivated after get certified and will explore more with its services.
- It’s not very difficult to clear this exam, so easily just with free training will be ready for certification.
- Mian reason, through this event it would be completely free. 🙂
Microsoft is providing an Azure free certification voucher for Azure fundamental AZ-900 exam with free training also, isn’t exciting?
But free Azure exam voucher is only available for Azure fundamental not for any M365 exam.
You will get free Azure free exam voucher only when you attend both days webinar event completely.
If you exit from the event in between then it could be that you would not receive any voucher. so please keep this in mind.
So please pick the available date and register for the event ASAP. because it’s a global level event so available seats are getting reserve very fastly.
Webinar Registration Page

E.g. after clicking on the available date you will get a registration page. Where you may find the agenda with module information and event date & time.

On the registration page, you may find the above details about that each attendee will get a free voucher for AZ-900 exam.
Microsoft 365 Free Training
On the Microsoft virtual events list page, you will also find the Microsoft 365 (M365) related training also.
You must know that Microsoft Teams is very famous and useful collaborative services in M365 services. You will get Teams related free training and how to secure M365 environment by register for the available event.
YouTube Tutorial
You may also watch this video-based article on my YouTube channel. If you like and wants to watch more technical resources, so please watch and subscribe on YouTube.
Microsoft keeps providing the opportunity to learn and get certified on new technologies. So we should keep upgrading our skills and that’s how we grow in IT or any fields.
In this article, I’ve mentioned how to register and attend the event and get eligible to free Microsoft certification (AZ-900 exam voucher). Also how to get free training for Azure and M365 services.
I’ll keep posting this kind of helpful technical resources which help in your career. so please keep checking other training resources on this blog site.
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